Meanwhile in the Vineyard of Good and Evil

Dear Henry, We heard the Parable of the Vineyard Workers a few months ago, and it has been bothering me since. You remember the story, right? A vineyard owner hires workers for his vineyard. Then, the owner goes out and brings in more workers throughout the day. At the end of the day, all workers are paid the same wage, even those who have only worked in the vineyard for an hour. I had been told before that this was a representation of heaven. It doesn't matter when you begin to pick up God's work; the reward for us all will be the same. But it doesn't seem fair, particularly for those who have always worked in God's vineyard and have been there the entire day (which, I should say, is definitely not me; I didn't show up in the vineyard around 3pm) It wasn't until I heard Bishop Robert Barron's Homily that I wondered if I wasn't interpreting the parable inaccurately. Bishop Barron brought up St. Catherine of Siena's famous "The way to heaven...